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The Benefits of Dental Implants Over Traditional Tooth Replacement Options

It’s not uncommon for someone to be missing one or more teeth due to damage, disease, or decay. People often turn to crowns, bridges, and dentures to replace them, but our Van Nuys dentist specializes in a permanent solution—dental implants. They represent a revolutionary technique over traditional methods of replacing lost teeth. Here, we’ll explain the benefits of dental implants over traditional tooth replacement options.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant replaces the crown and root structure of a missing tooth. It looks, feels, and functions like a natural tooth and can last the rest of a patient’s life. To provide an implant, a dental surgeon places a screw-like titanium post into the jawbone in place of the missing tooth’s root. Once the bone tissue grows around the implant, an abutment is attached to it. The abutment is the connection for a prosthetic tooth that fits on top.

Dental implants can consist of single-tooth replacements. Multiple implants can be used to replace missing teeth in different locations, or a bridge can be attached to replace several adjacent missing teeth. To replace a full arch of teeth, a permanent denture can be attached to strategically placed implants. All of these options are permanent; they are never removed (unless your dentist does so) and are brushed and cleaned just as natural teeth are.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Patients see a wide range of benefits with dental implants, including:

  • Improved Appearance: A dental implant does not look any different from a natural tooth. In addition to replacing missing teeth, implants can correct a misaligned bite and reverse effects such as sagging skin, collapsed cheeks, and an overall sunken appearance.
  • Improved Oral Health: Dental implants help protect against gum disease. Food and bacteria can get trapped in the socket of a missing tooth, increasing the risk of disease, but implants prevent this and prevent adjacent teeth from shifting.
  • Increased Comfort: Dental implants do not slip as dentures do and don’t require adhesive or gel. They also don’t cover the roof of the mouth. There are no restrictions on what you can eat; the implants also won’t click when you’re eating.
  • Improved Speech: Since the implants are securely anchored, they won’t move when you try to speak. They also fill unnatural holes that affect how air passes through your mouth during speech. Most people see improvements in speech quality after receiving dental implants.
  • Improved Self-Esteem: Patients often can’t tell the difference between their implant and their natural teeth. Implants allow you to eat, speak, and brush and floss normally. Other people also can’t tell the difference, so you can smile confidently.
  • Durable and Long-Lasting: Dental implants can last for many decades if taken care of. A bridge, or false teeth supported by adjacent capped teeth, will last only around five to ten years, so implants can be more convenient and economical in the long run.

Limitations of Traditional Tooth Replacement Options

Our Van Nuys dentist will ensure that you will be free of limitations often associated with dentures once the dental implant procedure begins. These include:

  • Aesthetics: Traditional dentures can easily slip while you’re eating or speaking, and do not protect the jawbone against deterioration that can impact facial structure.
  • Oral Health: Improperly fitting dentures can cause mouth sores and irritation. Even partial dentures can lead to additional tooth decay, plaque buildup, tooth loss, and gum disease.
  • Discomfort: Dentures put a lot of pressure on the gums, causing irritation and inflammation. They also include a plate that covers the roof of the mouth, which affects comfort and function.
  • Difficulty Speaking: Only an adhesive keeps dentures secured, which makes them vulnerable to slipping out of place when speaking.
  • High Maintenance: Denture wearers must remove them at night to clean them of bacteria. You may even need to clean or adjust them after every time you eat.
  • Durability: Dentures commonly break due to wear and tear, which can occur during cleaning, handling, or chewing. Their materials are not nearly as strong as dental implants.


Dental implants are stronger, more functional, and more comfortable than dentures and other traditional teeth replacement options. They prevent additional bone loss and have other oral health benefits as well. Meanwhile, you can eat, speak, and smile without anyone knowing your implants aren’t natural teeth.

If you are wondering whether you’re a candidate for dental implants, consult with our Van Nuys dentist, Dr. Idan Snapir, at OraBell Dental Implant Centers. We’ll provide a full examination, including a 3D CT scan, and discuss all your options. You’ll also receive a full quote for your entire treatment plan. To learn more, contact us at 818-798-9730 or book your free consultation online. We are located at 15704 1/2 Vanowen St., Van Nuys, CA 91406.

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